If you are currently experiencing an urgent emergency please call the Crisis Line at 1-866-4CRISIS. The Crisis Line provides confidential, 24-hour counseling for persons in crisis.

Basic Needs

Our Drop-in Center is located in the University District, on NE 47th St, between 15th Ave NE and 16th Ave NE. At Drop-in, you will find food, clothing and shoes, hygiene items, showers, access to laundry, and opportunities to earn other basic resources like sleeping bags or blankets. Additionally, it is a good place to connect with SYM staff about case management, ask about referrals to local services, and sign up for weekly outings, activities, or life skills workshops.

Drop-in is open Tuesday-Friday, 11am-1pm.

Call 206-226-8873 to connect with a staff-person.


We offer Greyhound tickets to youth who are trying to get home to a stable, healthy, and safe environment.

To apply for or ask questions about our Long Distance Travel Program, call Phoebe at 206-581-6170.

SYM Program Hours As of October 1, 2022


  • Drop-in- Open Tuesday-Friday from 11am-1pm.

    • Showers, laundry, case management, and lunch available.

Office Hours:

  • The SYM office is open by appointment. Call 206-226-8873 to connect with a staff person.

Our drop-in is located on the North Side of University Presbyterian Church.

SYM’s Drop-in Center is located on the North Side of University Presbyterian Church.