Coffee Runs

Coffee Runs take SYM staff and volunteers to the Ave, where they spend a few hours most mornings walking around the U-District, meeting community members who slept outside and offering items they may need. These items include hot coffee, water bottles, oatmeal, hats, socks, and blankets and jackets if available.

Coffee Runs have allowed SYM to get to know the neighborhood better. In addition to those who spent the night outside, we have met security guards who are standing outside of businesses, shop employees who are sweeping out entryways, and people who live in the area. As we walk around in the mornings, we remember our commitment to this neighborhood and why we are here. We love the U District. It's diversity in life experience, culture, age, spirituality, and cuisine. It is not just one thing and we love learning more about the way it is growing and how we can be a part of that growth positively and in ways that feel in-line with our vision and mission.

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