• Work with your own small group to plan, purchase and prepare a well-balanced meal for young people in SYM’s Drop-in Center.

    Email Tracy to get on the schedule.

  • Help is sporadically needed with bigger administrative projects or SYM events. Email Rita to be added to the on-call list.

  • Team up! SYM is able to provide food, beverages, hygiene supplies, art supplies, socks, and underwear to young people because of the generosity of various groups that get together and gather much-needed items for the young people we serve.

    Supplies needed now:

    New Mens & Womens Underwear Blankets/Sleeping Bags Backpacks
    Reusable Shopping Bags Adult Coats (waterproof) Disposable Razors

  • Volunteer with a team to deep clean the Drop-in Center or complete various facility improvements to give young people a clean, intentional experience at SYM.

  • SYM’s Amazon Charity List is updated regularly with pressing needs. These lists include supplies for SYM programs as well as ongoing needs of young people who spend a lot of time outside. Mark your purchase as a gift so youth and staff can thank you!

    Amazon Charity List

  • Host a gathering to share with friends and/or family the work SYM is doing with homeless young people. All the while raise awareness and support for a great ministry. Enjoy time together, learn, and care for youth living on the streets of our community. Email Lauren for information.